Southeast Regional
Pain Center

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Spine Deterioration Treatment Columbus GA

Since 1993, the leaders in the Southeast region in treating spine and lumbar disc deterioration, degenerative disc disease, and more

Do you suffer from unbearable spinal pain?

At the Southeast Regional Pain Center, we specialize in providing comprehensive and personalized treatments for spine deterioration, degenerative disc disease, and related conditions. Our team of experienced healthcare professionals is dedicated to delivering the highest quality care and helping patients find relief from their pain.

The award-winning physicians and staff at Southeast Regional Pain Center are here to help alleviate your spinal pain. 

If you suffer from spinal pain, you are certainly not alone. The numbers of Americans suffering from lower back and spinal pain is staggering. According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, it is estimated that around 30 million Americans are affected by degenerative disc disease. Additionally, the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke reports that approximately 80% of adults experience lower back pain at some point in their lives, with spine deterioration being a common contributing factor.

Among the most well-known and most respected pain centers in the United States, we treat these types of spinal deterioration pain on a regular basis, and have done so for decades. 

Led by Dr. Ken Barngrover, our team of spinal pain treatment doctors are knowledgeable and have the experience you need; we have the most effective treatment methods available and once you visit us with a referral from your physician, we will get right to work on helping you alleviate your spinal pain.

At Southeast regional Pain Center, you will receive the highest quality of care you can receive from the best spinal pain-treating physicians anywhere.

spine deterioration treatment

Step 1: Get a Referral from Your Doctor or Regular Physician and Visit the Best Spinal Pain Treatment Center in the Southeast!

All patients are required to get a referral from their physician prior to setting an appointment with Southeast Regional Pain Center.

If your spinal pain is affecting your daily life, the first step is to get a referral from your doctor for an appointment at Southeast Regional Pain Center as soon as possible.  We cannot treat you without a referral from your doctor.

Spine Deterioration is Extremely Painful and a Complex Condition - We Are Here to Help

lumbar degenerative disc disease treatment

At the Southeast Regional Pain Center, we understand the impact that spine deterioration can have on an individual’s quality of life. We have been treating spine deterioration for decades.  Spine deterioration refers to the gradual wear and tear of the structures in the spine, including the vertebrae, discs, and joints. This degenerative process can be influenced by various factors, such as aging, genetics, lifestyle choices, and injuries.  For 30 years we have been providing spine deterioration treatment to patients from all walks of life, of all ages.  If you suffer from this type of condition and are looking for spine deterioration treatment that fits your particular situation, get a referral from your physician and call for an appointment at Southeast Regional Pain Center today!

Causes of Spine Deterioration

There are a number of causes of Spine Deterioration, and sometimes patients experience more than one cause at the same time. They include:

  1. Aging: As we age, the discs in our spine lose their water content, making them less flexible and more prone to damage.
  2. Genetics: Some individuals may have a genetic predisposition to spine deterioration, making them more susceptible to developing related conditions.
  3. Lifestyle Factors: Poor posture, lack of exercise, smoking, and excessive weight can contribute to spine deterioration.
  4. Injuries: Traumatic events, such as accidents or repetitive stress injuries, can accelerate the degenerative process in the spine.

Symptoms of Spine Deterioration

Spine deterioration symptoms can cause severe pain and become completely debilitating. Some of the symptoms you or someone you love may be experiencing include:

  1. Chronic back pain: Persistent or recurring pain in the back, which may worsen with movement or certain activities.
  2. Stiffness: Difficulty in bending or twisting the spine due to reduced flexibility.
  3. Nerve compression: Spine deterioration can lead to nerve compression, resulting in radiating pain, numbness, or weakness in the arms or legs.
  4. Reduced mobility: As spine deterioration progresses, individuals may experience limitations in their range of motion and overall mobility.


Treatments for Spine Deterioration

There are treatments for spine deterioration, which include surgical intervention.  At Southeast Regional Pain Center we do not provide surgical interventions, but if needed, we will advise our clients of our opinion so they can pursue an appropriate treatment plan that may include surgery.  This is up to the individual patient.  Some treatments include:

  1. Physical therapy: Targeted exercises and stretches can help improve strength, flexibility, and posture, reducing pain and improving function.
  2. Medications: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), muscle relaxants, and pain medications may be prescribed to manage pain and inflammation.
  3. Injections: Epidural steroid injections or nerve blocks can provide temporary pain relief by reducing inflammation and numbing affected nerves.
  4. Minimally invasive procedures: In some cases, minimally invasive surgical interventions, such as spinal fusion or disc replacement, may be recommended to alleviate pain and stabilize the spine.
degenerative disc disease treatments

Degenerative Disc Disease

Degenerative disc disease is a specific condition that falls under the umbrella of spine deterioration. It primarily affects the intervertebral discs, which act as shock absorbers between the vertebrae. Over time, these discs can degenerate, leading to pain and other symptoms.

Causes of Degenerative Disc Disease

There are a number of causes of Degenerative Disc Disease and sometimes patients experience more than one cause at the same time. They include:

  1. Age-related wear and tear: The natural aging process causes the discs to lose their water content, making them thinner and less able to cushion the spine.
  2. Repetitive stress: Repetitive movements or activities that put excessive strain on the spine can accelerate disc degeneration.
  3. Trauma or injury: Discs can also degenerate due to injuries, such as herniated discs or fractures.

Symptoms of Degenerative Disc Disease

Like other spine deterioration symptoms,  degenerative disc disease can become completely debilitating and wreck havoc on your quality of life, including the ability to walk, function and even stand, sit, or lie down. Some of the symptoms can include:

  1. Back pain: Chronic or intermittent pain in the lower back, which may worsen with movement or prolonged sitting.
  2. Radiating pain: If a degenerated disc compresses a nerve root, it can cause pain, numbness, or tingling that radiates into the buttocks, thighs, or legs.
  3. Muscle weakness: In some cases, degenerative disc disease can lead to muscle weakness or difficulty with coordination.

Treatments for Degenerative Disc Disease

Potential treatments for Degenerative Disc Disease include:

  1. Physical therapy: Targeted exercises can help strengthen the muscles supporting the spine and improve flexibility.
  2. Pain management techniques: Heat or cold therapy, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), and other modalities may provide temporary pain relief.
  3. Medications: Over-the-counter pain relievers, muscle relaxants, or prescription medications may be used to manage pain and inflammation.
  4. Injections: Epidural steroid injections or nerve blocks can help reduce inflammation and provide temporary pain relief.
  5. Surgical options: In severe cases where conservative treatments have failed, surgical interventions such as discectomy, spinal fusion, or artificial disc replacement may be considered.

Degenerative disc pain refers to the discomfort and symptoms experienced specifically due to degenerative disc disease. Lumbar degenerative disc disease specifically affects the discs in the lower back region (lumbar spine). The causes of degenerative disc pain and lumbar degenerative disc disease are similar to those mentioned earlier for spine deterioration and degenerative disc disease as a whole.

The symptoms of degenerative disc pain and lumbar degenerative disc disease are also similar to those mentioned earlier for spine deterioration and degenerative disc disease as a whole. 

The treatments for degenerative disc pain and lumbar degenerative disc disease are also similar to those mentioned earlier for spine deterioration and degenerative disc disease as a whole.


Degenerative Disc Pain and Lumbar Degenerative Disc Disease Pain and Treatment

Degenerative disc pain refers to the discomfort and symptoms experienced specifically due to degenerative disc disease. Lumbar degenerative disc disease specifically affects the discs in the lower back region (lumbar spine).

best doctor for degenerative disc disease

Causes of Degenerative Disc Pain and Lumbar Degenerative Disc Disease

The causes of degenerative disc pain and lumbar degenerative disc disease are similar to those mentioned earlier for spine deterioration and degenerative disc disease as a whole.

Symptoms and Treatments for Degenerative Disc Pain and Lumbar Degenerative Disc Disease

The symptoms of degenerative disc pain and lumbar degenerative disc disease are also similar to those mentioned earlier for spine deterioration and degenerative disc disease as a whole. 

The treatments for degenerative disc pain and lumbar degenerative disc disease are also similar to those mentioned earlier for spine deterioration and degenerative disc disease as a whole.


Call to Make Your Appointment to Visit Our Pain Center for Treating the Pain in Your Spine

Once you have your referral, simply call so our spinal pain treatment doctors can schedule you for the most convenient appointment that fits into your schedule. At that time, they can answer any questions you may have. Our specialists will help you find a treatment solution specific to your situation.

Why Southeast Regional Pain Center is the Best Destination for Treating Spine Deterioration, Degenerative Disc Disease, and Related Conditions

At the Southeast Regional Pain Center, we specialize in providing comprehensive and personalized treatments for spine deterioration, degenerative disc disease, and related conditions. Our team of experienced healthcare professionals is dedicated to delivering the highest quality care and helping patients find relief from their pain.

We offer a multidisciplinary approach to treatment, combining evidence-based therapies, advanced interventions, and state-of-the-art technology. Our focus is on improving function, reducing pain, and enhancing the overall quality of life for our patients.

To ensure the best possible care, we require a referral from your treating doctor before you can come to the Southeast Regional Pain Center. This allows us to collaborate with your primary healthcare provider and develop a tailored treatment plan that addresses your specific needs.

If you are seeking lumbar degenerative disc disease treatments or degenerative disc pain relief, we are here to help. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a pain-free life.


best treatment for degenerative disc disease